IdValidationResult | Stores result of ID validation scanning |
AESResult | |
AcceptVideoSelfieResult | |
AddNOM151ArchiveResult | Stores result of Payment Proof processing |
AntifraudResult | |
ApproveResult | Stores result of approval |
BaseResult | |
BiometricConsentResult | |
CaptchaResult | Stores result of captcha |
CombinedConsentResult | |
CurpValidationResult | Stores CURP validation result |
CustomWatchlistResult | |
DocumentValidationResult | Stores result of document validation |
DynamicFormsResult | |
AnswerModel | |
DynamicFormQuestionnaireModel | |
EKYBResult | |
EKYCResult | |
EmailAddressResult | Possible results of EmailAddressActivity |
EventResult | |
FaceLoginResult | |
FaceMatchResult | Stores result of face match |
GeolocationResult | Store the results of the geolocation |
GlobalWatchlistResult | Store the results of the GlobalWatchlist |
GovernmentValidationResult | |
IdInfoResult | |
IdProcessResult | |
IdResults | |
IdScanResult | |
FrontIdScanResult | |
BackIdScanResult | |
IdScanCompleted | |
InterviewEventResult | |
MachineLearningConsentResult | |
NameResult | |
NfcScanResult | |
PaymentProofInfoResult | Stores result of Payment Proof processing |
PhoneNumberResult | Possible results of PhoneNumberActivity |
QRScanResult | Stores result of ID QR code scanning |
QrFaceLoginResult | |
SelfieScanResult | Stores result of selfie scanning |
SignatureFormResult | Stores result of address validation |
TaxIdValidationResult | |
UserConsentResult | Possible results of UserConsentActivity |
UserScoreResult | Stores results of a final user score |
VideoConferenceResult | |
VideoSelfieResult | Stores result of video selfie module |
IdScanResultKt | |